The Nordic Swan Ecolabel environmental requirements for construction and facade panels, and mouldings

The overall environmental advances for Nordic Swan Ecolabelling of construction and facade panels” is:

  • Meets strict environmental requirements
  • Limited energy consumption during the whole production process
  • High proportion of recycled or renewable materials
  • No or reduced emission of formaldehyde and organic solvents
  • Ensure that quality and properties are documented

For ecolabelled wood construction and facade panels, the following also applies:

  • Wood from sustainable forests

For ecolabelled plasterboards, the following applies:

  • 100 % recycled or industrial gypsum

For ecolabelled construction panels for indoor use, the following also applies:

  • Chemical requirements which guarantee a healthy indoor climate

Want to know more about environmental certification with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel?

Contact us and we will help you:

Please state which product you are considering eco-labeling with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.

Bjørn Olav Aarø Strandli



What does it cost?

When you apply for the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, you must pay a fee. Additionally, when you have a certification, you must pay an annual licence fee based on the turnover of the certified product or service.

Please visit our Nordic website to see the specific fees. You will find them at the bottom of the page for the relevant product group under the fees» tab. You can find all product groups here.